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Emotional alchemy. Searching balance through creativity and beauty.

We enter the world of integrative holistic therapies, led by an expert therapist, Begoña Vega, who explains her experience and knowledge in the treatment of emotions and health, from an artistic and creative perspective.

V&M M. Begoña Vega, an expert therapist, explains her experience and knowledge in the treatment of emotions and health, from an artistic and creative perspective.

Bego Vega. Through my own experiences and always driven by my connection with creativity, I have had to go through very chaotic moments where what I felt was not respected, valued, or understood. In those moments of crisis I realized that I had to respect myself and integrate my values and talents to put that order that I needed, to achieve my own personal balance, and connect with beauty, as Tagore said: "When we feel the beauty, we recognize it as the truth"

The moments of crisis turned out to be new opportunities that taught me that looking inside myself was the way to reconnect with my essence and that everything I needed was linked to the most authentic encounter with myself, accepting "my lights and my shadows". This crisis led me on a journey of self-knowledge that is still alive, and now I know that this creative and self-knowledge path will accompany me throughout my life.

My different formations: Ludoformation, Gestalt, Art Therapy, Laughter Therapy, Emotional Management, and Family Constellations, led me to discover that one of my missions was to accompany other people to discover their potential, their hidden treasures, to solve their knots and their personal crises, and thus be able to vibrate in tune with their balance and with the life they want to have.

In those moments of crisis I realized that I had to respect myself and integrate my values ​​and talents to put that order that I needed, to achieve my own personal balance, and connect with beauty, as Tagore said: "When we feel the beauty, we recognize it as the truth"

And on the other hand, my search for beauty has led me to train as a decorator, garden designer, and Feng Shui consultant, with which I manage to put that order, that balance, and that love for beauty in the spaces we inhabit, processes that sometimes I have performed jointly, but I will explain this in more detail another time. V&M M. You also propose therapies based on creativity for adolescents. How do you approach this activity and what differences are there between working with adults or with most youths?

Bego Vega. Adolescence is without a doubt the most conflictive stage of our life, in it, we have to leave behind the child we were, to connect with the adult we want to be, it is a time when the person suffers from almost everything (that's where the name adolescence), and that puts him in confrontation with his parents and with the world. You need to create yourself and give yourself what you need, and sometimes you don't know what it is, nor how to ask for it, hence your feeling of misunderstanding is a constant, and this makes your anger, the most powerful emotion, very present as a defense, to cover many times the fear and sadness you feel, for letting go of your inner child. It is a complex moment, and the therapeutic accompaniment is very liberating, to be able to go through this stage. They need to leave their parents behind and this causes them great contradictions and feelings of guilt, letting go of being faithful to their parents and what is expected of them, to begin to be true to themselves, and find their way in life.

My experience working with adolescents in individual and group therapeutic processes at the Borja Vilaseca Academy and at the Nu Díaz School of the Senses has shown me the benefits they represent for them, being able to connect with their peers, to feel understood, They speak the same language and that makes them create groups of friends that become more important than their own family. They have too much information and need to empty themselves, and therefore express with images, colors, and shapes, what many times they cannot even say "Because where words do not arrive, images begin to speak", connects them with their unconscious and gives them fundamental keys that will lighten their burden, help them understand their emotions, and also accompanies them to better define their talents and values, to strengthen their self-esteem, to build a solid and balanced life path in line with them, and to be able to have a better relationship with their parents. In the processes with adults, we have to return to that child that we were, and that adolescent, to take them by the hand, integrate all the moments that were left unfinished in those stages to live from an integrating and healthy conscience, where each one has your space. This provides a lot of certainty, clarity, and consistency to be able to express and realize, in which moments of his current life the demanding child, the rebellious adolescent, or the integrating adult speaks, who assumes his responsibilities to take the power of knowing himself to be unique, to reconcile all its stages, and being in life respecting and loving each other because the most authentic love is the one that arises from ourselves, without healthy self-esteem we will not know how to connect with the love of others.

In both moments, connecting with creativity and art as therapy gives us new tools, which provide us with and release information that we often don't even remember, which helps us to heal, balance, order and release the burdens that don't leave us many times in advance.

Emotional Alchemy emerges as a project that serves to combine the information from the two cerebral hemispheres, and consequently, to connect the logical part to the creative part.

V&M M. Among your many facets, the workshops that you offer "Emotional Alchemy" are striking. What approach do you give to these workshops and what objectives are achieved within the improvement of health and inner balance?

Bego Vega. Emotional Alchemy emerges as a project that serves to combine the information from the two cerebral hemispheres, and consequently, to connect the logical part to the creative part. It is part of a project in that I have created Self-knowledge from art and creativity, this is the first, the following are The inner child and the last is the Treasure Map, a transformative journey in every way. Alchemy consists of six workshops, where using different tools and techniques, I accompany you to understand and understand the management of the six basic emotions: fear, sadness, anger, pride, love, and joy; according to the MAT (transactional analysis metamodel). Through a cognitive process that I guide and explain to understand the essence of each emotion, we reconnect with a guided meditation and a visualization that guides us to remember experiences related to them and connect with the linked feelings in order to release them expressively.

Alchemy consists of six workshops, where using different tools and techniques, I accompany you to understand and understand the management of the six basic emotions: fear, sadness, anger, pride, love, and deep, and joy.

With these memories and experiences, and through a deeply creative process, we connect with unconscious information, which is released through the innate creativity of every human being. By transferring all those emotions, memories, and sensations to a canvas, it is possible to transmute and transform them into new images that will help us heal those emotional knots, and learn to understand that integrating what each emotion brings us places us in a place of knowledge. , security, balance, and order, as well as immediate physical well-being.

V&M M. In holistic healing therapies, it is often heard that it is necessary to "connect with the inner child". How would you describe this need, and why is it considered so important?

Bego Vega. Listening to the inner child that inhabits us and that is the memory of everything experienced that lives within us, helps us to connect with that very vulnerable way of feeling and acting that is activated by some specific situations, especially those that affect you. They lead us to relive situations from the past where we learned to shape our way of being, to feel accepted and loved, denying in many cases what our needs were, both physical and emotional. When we become adults, all those experiences that we did not attend to at the time, collapse us and the demand appears for that child who did not feel seen and cared for as he needed.

Learning to listen to it in order to recognize the past and learn from it, and give it a place, because no one better than the adult knows what that child needed and did not have, allows us to connect with the child through therapeutic processes and creative channels that are so free. and so linked to childhood, so that those memories and the wounds they keep are healed. Also to be able to bring to the present all the good things that childhood had, and that are often hidden. Healing occurs by remembering that we are the well-balanced mix of the adult that I am that child who was learning along the way. Uniting these two realities has served us to strengthen ourselves, direct our life, and learn to enjoy it.

V&M M. You have developed part of your professional activity between Segovia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Barcelona, ​​Sitges, ... tell us a little more about your experience in these cities, and what are your next challenges.

Bego Vega. I was born in Segovia, and the Castilian culture and customs marked me; sobriety and the way of seeing life with austerity, forged my character. I believe that geography conditions us not only due to the climatic aspe but also in the way of living. That first stage of my life was marked by a very rebellious adolescence. I did not want to accept the reality that surrounded me, I did not feel comfortable or fulfilled, and at nineteen I left, with that unconscious impulse that adolescence has, it made me leave Segovia, without really knowing where to go. My first destination was Madrid, it overwhelmed me, used to a smaller city. The big city scared me, and I didn't adapt, that's why I decided to visit other lands, and a friend who was going to the Canary Islands encouraged me to go with her. My trip to the Canary Islands, to the island of Tenerife, made me see things more lightly, and in these 20 years during which I enjoyed these lucky islands, I had the opportunity to contact a very abundant plant world, due to the benevolent weather. There I discovered my passion for flowers and plants, and I took a course about plants and flowers, and I designed my first gardens, in a self-taught way. This connection with the natural world has been with me ever since, and flowers and plants have always been present in my life. This Canarian stage also gave me a connection personal with my creativity, something that due to my education, I could never live or experience. I first connected with aboriginal pottery and was passionate about experimenting with shape and volume. Thanks to this discovery I decided to start my art studies, where I experimented with volumes and sculpture as a specialty.

I have many memories of that stage, I had my first workshop, where I worked with different sculptural techniques, and with the creation of unique pieces made with different materials, it was a very rich stage, abundant in experiences and always surrounded by that value that it brought me the strength of that land and its nature. Family circumstances made me return to Segovia, and with all the baggage acquired, my creative search led me to experiment with glass sculpture, a fascinating material due to its light and transparency. I did my training as a Feng Shui consultant, because the search for beauty and balance in spaces excited me. And it was the moment in which I was able to fulfill one of my dreams: running an art gallery. Everything fell into place, it was a very beautiful project, a stage rich in experience and knowledge, because it was a gallery where, in addition to holding artistic exhibitions, I was able to develop many other cultural activities: presentation of art magazines, poetry recitals, short film festivals, book presentations, a moment of professional splendor that did not fulfill me, because my personal crisis was very evident, I did not find meaning in a part of my life, and as I am a born seeker, my first link with Barcelona was to contact the world of therapies and personal growth.

This was the reason why I moved to live in Barcelona, ​​where I was able to train as a gestalt, emotional, and creative therapist, and later as a family constellator. After years of courses, workshops, and training, I created my project Bego Vega "Camí Creatiu", in which I began to forge my personal project based on my training and contributing to all of them a touch of creativity, to which I united all my tools to create different workshops, both group and individual, and also in collaboration with other centers. Some related to adolescence, as I already listed before, because accompanying adolescents fascinates me. I have been combining my facet as a therapist with that of a garden designer and floral installations. The pandemic made me close my store, and brought me to Sitges, where I have continued to carry out both professional aspects and from where I am going to jump to Mexico, a country that has attracted me for many reasons for a long time, and in which I want to experiment with its culture, and see what surprises that country hides for me. At the moment I know that another of my dreams will come true, to visit the sanctuary of the monarch butterflies in Michoacan. The rest of my life will say it.

V&M M. Thank you for your answers, would you highlight something else that you think is important to explain to our audience? Bego Vega. There is a reflection that I would like to contribute, the importance of integrating creativity and creative processes in education and any daily life situation. I firmly believe that it is untapped potential, and it is necessary and fundamental to dare to experiment and create, not only in artistic fields but in any way in which each person can contribute their grain of originality and potential to what they do, from a kitchen dish, even the way of dressing or putting some flowers. Because any process we do has the therapeutic potential that beauty and creativity provide.

It is necessary and fundamental to dare to experiment and create, not only in artistic fields but in any way in which each person can contribute their grain of originality and potential to what they do, from a kitchen dish, even the way of dressing or putting some flowers.


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